Why choose US?
We've worked on EVERY single DAT Recorder EVER Produced!
There is not ONE model that has eluded us!
We stock every single part for any recorder! If we don't have it, we make it, 3D print or CNC!
If you're in doubt, ask us for videos/photos/documentation but be prepared to offer a beer KEG in exchange! ;)
We offer full restoration services for all Digital Audio Tape recorders.
Especially for the exotic/unobtanium JAPANESE GEMS!
This includes mechanism overhaul, board re-soldering, recapping, high-end mods, you name it!
Everything is done using premium, original and unobtanium parts and materials!
We don't CUT CORNERS but always try to offer competitive prices!
We stand behind our work and we maintain the highest possible standing thoroughly servicing each unit so we guarantee that the end result will enchant you!
Once you join the ProAudio Revival CLUB you'll have a lot of benefits and discounts!
COST ESTIMATES ARE FREE! (Don't want to go thru with the repair? No problem! Just pay for return shipping and that's it!)
There is not ONE model that has eluded us!
We stock every single part for any recorder! If we don't have it, we make it, 3D print or CNC!
If you're in doubt, ask us for videos/photos/documentation but be prepared to offer a beer KEG in exchange! ;)
We offer full restoration services for all Digital Audio Tape recorders.
Especially for the exotic/unobtanium JAPANESE GEMS!
This includes mechanism overhaul, board re-soldering, recapping, high-end mods, you name it!
Everything is done using premium, original and unobtanium parts and materials!
We don't CUT CORNERS but always try to offer competitive prices!
We stand behind our work and we maintain the highest possible standing thoroughly servicing each unit so we guarantee that the end result will enchant you!
Once you join the ProAudio Revival CLUB you'll have a lot of benefits and discounts!
COST ESTIMATES ARE FREE! (Don't want to go thru with the repair? No problem! Just pay for return shipping and that's it!)